A House of Multiple Occupancy (HMO) is a property rented out by at least 3 people who are not from 1 household (i.e. a family). It is one of the best performing let properties, both due to their high rental yields and huge demand.
The multiple occupancy/student market continues to grow, with minimal void time, making operating an HMO flat a very attractive investment.
Our property team are fully trained and able to provide expert knowledge and professional guidance on first time HMO applications and ongoing renewals.
We specialise converting properties to meet HMO standards. With our vast experience there are 4 key principles to consider when looking to invest in an HMO:
To be eligible for an HMO property, there are many factors to consider. Firstly, a licence must be applied for via the Local Authority licensing department.
There are many prerequisites prior to being approved for an HMO license and it is important to understand and implement these in a property prior to considering an HMO.
There are regulations regarding infrastructure, sizes and layout to name a few areas of consideration.